Saturday, August 24, 2013

It was a very Tavi weekend

Our all time favourite person Tavi Gevinson has been in Australia over the past week or so, and this weekend we had the chance to go see her in person *dead* . On friday night we went to the Antheum Theatre and heard her talk about 'her world', most of which involved being a fan girl. She was also interviewed by Estelle Tang after this talk, where Estelle told us all to imagine our enemies pooing to feel better. 
Today (Saturday) we went to an under 21's 'Rookie Day' where 5 amazing young women spoke about what they do and following your passions. Mood boards were created and we danced to Taylor Swift with the lights off. Overall it was an overly inspiring two days, and we got to meet the little wonderland pixie that is Tavi Gevinson so we're pretty damn happy.

P.S these photos below were all taken at Rookie Day

Tavi Speaking
Artist Minna Gilligan speaking (how cute is her top) 
Our messy crafting table
We were all dancing and then suddenly we were on the floor? Don't even know what happened here. 
The cutest girl ever, Tallulah - check out her blog here
Bella's singed copy of Rookie Yearbook 1


  1. This is so cool! Looks like it would've been a very valuable experience.

    The Fashann Monster

  2. This looks like such a fun and exciting event! I would've loved to be there!

    fashion and tea

  3. that looks like such a great time! i would have loved to be sitting in the chairs listening to the speakers!

    lindsey louise
